Simultaneous Equations

  • From: Dominic Walsh
  • Date: 2 September 1999
  • Subject: Simultaneous Equations

Can you give me some guidance how to solve the simultaneous equations:
     2x + 4y = 10   and
     3x - y = -6
using substitution.

Maths Help suggests:

The substitution method works as follows:


In your case, it is easiest to make y the subject of the second equation:

y = 3x + 6


Now use this expression for y in your first equation:

2x + 4(3x + 6) = 10


Solve this equation for x:

2x + 12x + 24=10
14x + 24=10


Now use your expression for y to finish the solution:

y=3x + 6
y=3(-1) + 6
y=-3 + 6


So the solution to the simultaneous equations is:

x = -1
y = 3

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