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There are thousands of websites dealing with mathematics. We have gone for quality rather than quantity, and have selected a few which seem particularly relevant for students at upper secondary and college level. All these sites have their own links to further sites, so bookmark any which appear useful to you.

Maths Year 2000 The official site for UK Maths Year 2000. A very attractive site, containing details of MY2K activities, a wonderful collection of mathematical games, a dictionary of mathematical terms, puzzle of the day, and much more.
[Department for Education and Employment]
Ask Dr Math The biggest American on-line help service for mathematics. It works on the same basis as our own Maths Help - students send in a question and the answer is posted on the website. It has been going for several years, so there are lots of questions to browse. Unfortunately, it is text only, with no graphics to help explain things. Worth a visit!
[Swarthmore College, USA]
NRICH Online Maths Club A British site aiming to "enrich" the experience of school mathematics. It offers an online magazine with articles and problems for more able pupils aged 11-18. It also has an "Ask a Mathematician" helpline, but you have to register.
[University of Cambridge, UK]
PASS Maths Magazine A quarterly magazine with articles of topical interest to pupils, students and teachers of mathematics. Genuinely interesting, and nicely presented.
[University of Cambridge, UK]
BBC Education "Bitesize" Revision The BBC's huge website contains its "Bitesize" revision guides for most GCSE subjects, including maths. The material here links in to its television programmes and other publications.
GCSE Online tutorials and examples for GCSE Maths (and also GCSE English). A colourful, but rather cluttered site. Better for revision that for learning from scratch.
[Collective of UK teachers]
GCSE Maths Revision Contains key revision notes, exam-style questions with answers and mark schemes, and hints on revision. A useful extra resource for GCSE exam preparation. Quite heavy on graphics. Based on the CD-Rom "Inside Track to GCSE Success".
[Logotron Company]
SOS Mathematics A site from the University of Texas, with "refresher" articles on algebra, trigonometry, calculus etc. Seems to be aimed at their incoming undergraduates who need to brush up their basics. Could be useful for A-level or Foundation Year Degree students here. The text gets quite dense and formal in places.
[University of Texas]
MathsNet A site put together by an enthusiastic Maths teacher from Norfolk. Lots of animations (also Java and VRML if your browser can cope). Plenty of links. Perhaps of more interest to teachers than students.
[Personal site, UK]
Math Den This American site contains, among other things, many sets of multiple-choice questions for you to try and submit for on-line marking. Stage I questions are preliminary GCSE revision, Stage II is approaching GCSE standard, Stages III & IV are roughly equivalent to A-level standard. A good place to test yourself, although the wording of some of the questions may appear a bit unusual to British users. (You need to register, or log-in with User Name: GUEST and Password: GUEST.)
[Act360 Media Ltd, USA]
GoMath This American site aims to become "the most dynamic and useful math site on the Web". Plenty to browse. Mainly for sixth form and college students (or 10-12 grade as they say in America).
[Cubic Science Inc., USA]
Office for National Statistics This government agency (formerly known as the Central Statistical Office) is the official source of statistics for the UK. A useful resource for those statistics projects!
[Office for National Statistics]
Inferential Statistics A detailed online statistics textbook. Covers the main topics required for Statistics A-level and basic undergraduate research. Good attempts to put the statistical methods into context.
[Personal site of an American professor]
SurfStat Another online statistics text, this time from Australia. Aimed at university students, but much would be of interest to A-level and Advanced GNVQ students.
[Compiled by academics in Australian universities]
Essays on Maths History An award-winning collection of essays on a variety of topics from the history of mathematics, including "Pi through the Ages", "The Rise of Calculus", "Fermat's Last Theorem", "General Relativity", etc. All with links for further reading.
[St Andrews University, UK]
Biographies of Mathematicians An award-winning collection of biographies of famous mathematicians, with links to aspects of their work. Fully indexed by name and date.
[St Andrews University, UK]
Eric's Treasure Trove of Mathematics A vast online encyclopedia of mathematics, with alphabetical or keyword search facilities. Something for everyone, from primary school children to university researchers. (Currently due to copyright restrictions, access to some parts of the site are limited.)
[Personal labour of love]
Prime Numbers All you ever need to know about prime numbers (and quite a lot that you don't need to know!). Fascinating, although a lot of the detail is rather advanced.
[University of Tennessee, USA]
Fibonacci Numbers The well-known Fibonacci sequence is where two consecutive terms are added to give the next term. It starts: 1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 , 13 , . . .
This excellent site is crammed with information and applications of Fibonacci Numbers. It will appeal to everyone from GCSE pupils to university researchers!
[Surrey University, UK]
Pythagoras Proofs How many ways do you know of proving Pythagoras' Theorem? This site shows 27 (at the last count), each clearly illustrated. Includes links to more Pythagoras sites.
[ - - ]
Mathematical Quotations "Life is only good for two things - discovering mathematics and teaching mathematics." This and many more nuggets of wisdom in a searchable database of quotations based on mathematics.
[Furman University, USA]
Maths Cartoons Around 150 cartoons and jokes, copied from various American publications. An entertaining break from real work, if you appreciate American humour . . .
[Personal USA site]
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