
  • From: Ranut
  • Date: 17 Feb 1999
  • Subject: Percentage Profit

I can't seem to get 'percentage profit' questions right. For example:

A shop buys a bicycle for £170 and sells it for £200. Calculate the percentage profit.

Can you please help?

Maths Help suggests:

    Follow this procedure:
  1. Work out the profit in pounds;
  2. Express this as a percentage of the original (Cost) price:
Percentage profit = (Profit / Original Price) x 100%

Make sure you divide by the original price !

    So, in your example:
  1. Profit = 200 - 170 = £30
  2. Percentage profit = 30 / 170 x 100% = 17.64% (2dp)
Have a look at percentage increase calculations and equations on the perentage calculator site here -
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